Thursday, 27 October 2011

How to have fun in a town full of bogans

So as you all know I spent 3 weeks in both Melbourne and Bendigo.

Melbourne is amazing its full of fun, light, laughter, music and dancing. Dreams can actually come true in this town though i would never want to live here again. One of my high school friends and I went out clubbing to a place called Love Machine and had a weirdly fun night. The DJ was crazy amazing the drinks were cheap and there was a fair amount of talent around.
It's all fun and games until one rude bartender refuses to accept gold coins as payment then the night gets thrown out the window. Highlight of the night you ask??? Telling an idiot of for trying to dance on a podium but looking like a dying fish instead, I'm sorry but he needed to be told his ego was suffocating me!

As for Bendigo....

This town needs a lesson in Fashion and Music. There are the bare minimum of people who understand that trackies are not to be worn socially in public and also that thongs are not shoes you wear out to a club. Speaking of clubs... they are really just pub's with a small dance floor, hardly worth spending your time in really.

This trip was a little differnt for me though. It was like a huge high school reunion and only the nice people were invited.

One of my best mates from high school Zac Moore (aka Moorey) was there and it was amazing to see him.

I decided it as time for him to learn how to party Sydney style. We gate crashed two birthday parties, took over the DJ booth and only played what we wanted to hear and made a bar tender fall in love with me to score free drinks. We were at the club til after close doing shots with the manager and didn't get home til about 6:30am. That's how its done when you really want to party.

Also I just want to do a huge shout out to Daylight Hours and congratulate them on their gig with Tonight Alive. I was lucky enough to see Tonight Alive in Bendigo (even though I was surrounded by drunken 18 year olds) it was an amazing gig that I will never forget.

Tonight Alive rocked it like they were performing for people they'd known their whole lives and didn't hold anything back. Jenna looked like she was in her element the entire time sporting a massive smile in between tracks.

Their latest album 'What Are You So Scared Of?' is out now and can be picked up online at iTunes or from JB Hi-Fi so go out there and get it!!

Also Daylight Hours has a gig on November 12th all ages in Melbourne to launch their EP WOOOOOO!! So check out their facebook page for deets its a free gig people there's ZERO excuse not to go, and if you could 'like' their facebook page it would really make Adam stress less.

Jump out of your comfort zone and live for the sake of living people, and always remember that you can always blame the random things on music :)

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