Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Brand New Tomorrow

So as those of you who read my blog religiously know (and don't lie I know you all do) you know how much I love and support Melbourne boys Daylight Hours.

Last week they released their EP 'Brand New Tomorrow' and saying that I loved it would be the understatement of the year. It's beyond amazing, I had it on repeat for two whole days.
It plays like an epic love story even though Adam assures me it's not about anyone in particular I'm being the hopeless romantic and will continue to think that they wrote it about one girl in particular, and who ever she is sounds very lucky.

"Me and You" was their first single out and it started this whole saga for me, but my favourite song off the EP would have to be "Definitely Maybe" its romantic but sad and depressing all at once and for some reason its the song I relate to most. 

Check it out for yourselves and tell me if I'm wrong but I swear these guys wrote it for someone in particular and if Adam wont give up the secret looks like I'll have to convince Marty, Anthony or Phil to spill the beans on this one.

Get at it people buy this album... like NOW haha

Saturday, 5 November 2011

When make-overs make you crush

Totally have a girl crush on my friend Danielle.

She recently gave herself a makeover and now looks like Ruby Rose who, lets face it, every girl has a girl crush on. Her sense of style is out of the window amazing and she has an air of confidence that makes you really see her when ever she walks into a room. Danielle now embodies all that is amazing about Ruby Rose. If only she could design her own fashion label and let me do the PR for it my life would be perfect haha.

I seriously wish I was friends with Ruby Rose, but for now Danielle will do lol :)