Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Online Shopping At Its Best

One of my favourite places to shop online is ASOS.
Everything looks amazing and the size charts are incredibly accurate but my favourite thing about this site?

But recently I have discovered a brand new online gem.
I just found the most amazing playsuit and it has been express posted for a very reasonable price.
She is a Sydney based designer who ha entire collections that make me whimsical and happy just browsing. Every now and then she has an amazing sale and you can pick things up for a total steal. 

I learnt about her from another amazing blogger Vanessa Stillone who lives eats and breathes fashion, pretty sure you should all follow her blog and read it religiously.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Things That Make You Hate Humanity

Yesterday while at work I had someone threaten not only my life but that of all of my employees.

This makes me question humanity in general, I mean coming into a retail store and calmly telling me
"I'm going to go home and get my gun then I'm going to come back here and shoot you in the face. Then I'm going to shoot all of your staff because none of you will help me."

But it was more than that, he said it so calmly and quietly and with a sadistic smile across his face the whole time. Then he laughed when I told him I was calling the police. He laughed. What sort of a psychotic individual does that?

All I can say is thank god for police and personal protection orders because this guy scared the absolute crap out of me. Now don't get me wrong I've dealt with my fair share of crazy people before but this guy was totally different I actually thought he would come back into the store with a gun and shoot the place up.

Funniest part of the whole experience? Because I work for a phone company and he had an account with us I had access to all of his personal information including his drivers licence number, making it that much easier for the police to go round to his house and issue him with an AVO and also search his house for weapons of any description.

I hate how much this has affected me, I hate that one person saying this one thing can make me feel unsafe in my own home, even force me to take time out of my day to go to court to ensure that you can never come near me again. 

Then he had the audacity to claim that he never threatened me or my staff once the police turned up on his doorstep. Pity we had 3 staff and 2 customers who heard the threat you idiot!!!

GRRRR I'm just so annoyed that he thought he wouldn't get caught, or that he thought I wouldn't do anything about it.

Anyway thats my rant for the day thank-you to those of you who continue to read my thoughts and still want me to keep posting, you're all gems.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Hardest Part Of Any Job

Today I had to fire one of my friends....

This is the absolute worst part of my job and i hate doing it, i was on the verge of vomiting when I found out I had to do it.

All I can say is thank goodness she is an amazing person who took it on board and understood why it was happening but most importantly didn't hold a grudge.

On the plus side I had the most amazing play list on earth today, the perfect mix of Dub Step, Trance, Electro Pop and 90's all rolled into a great beat that made the rest of the day turn around.

My life would suck without MUSIC!

A Birthday To Remember...

In case you guys didn't know, every birthday should be an amazing event, something that every person that attends should be talking about for years to come. That's the goal of every birthday that I throw and this year was no exception. Last year my 21st sucked to the extreme so this year on 21 take 2 I did it up right.

Pre-drinks with tequila, party outfit to make anyone jealous, fake tans, manicures, friends, LIMOS and the ultimate party destination Home Night Club Sydney. Granted I only remembered the first half of the evening as I was far too drunk from patron and champagne from the limo to remember anything but I know it was amazing.

One of my besties Liam came from Melbourne and we tore it up hardcore both Friday and Saturday night. Friday we went to my regular gay bar Stonewall Hotel to be told constantly that I'm fabulous and have the drag queens buy me drinks all night. Half way through the evening my favourite Drag Queen of all time Tora Hymen pulled me up on stage to sing Happy Birthday to me, and force the rest of the club to sing along as well.

In case you didn't know, this is the ONLY way to spend your birthday, being adored by people whether its forced or not ha ha.

The Saturday night was the big Limo party, white stretch Limo's appeared at my front door and took me and 20 friends into the city to Home Nightclub to dance the night away. For those of you who don't know me I'm a center stage kind of girl, so anyone who lost me found me front row center with a pink fluffy crown in the middle of the stage.

Everyone bought me shots and unfortunately around one am I hurled on my friend Pamela's hand and then got escorted back to the hotel room to sleep off the numerous Tequila shots. 

Lesson here??? Never mix tequila with Champagne!

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

The Ultimate Dream

For me, the highlight of every year, bigger than both my birthday and Christmas combined is The Sydney Fashion Festival. It combines Art, Fashion, Inspiration and Music into one phenomenal week of catwalks and celebrity sightings.

I camp out for these tickets every year (metaphorically speaking of course!) I put an alarm into my phone the day they go on sale and buy a ticket for every single night.

Last year was my fourth year attending the sacred event and two of my dreams came true in one night. I purchased a front row seat for a mere $50 and after sitting down i had someone tap me on the shoulder and ask politely "Excuse me love, would you be able to stand up so we can get to our seats, they are right next to you." I went to stand up and almost fell over. Alex Perry and Jayson Brunsdon were standing directly next to me with huge smiles plastered on their faces. I can officially die happy after meeting them.

You would think that you wouldn't make a complete fool out of yourself when you meet two of your idols but lets face it we all have our faults and mine is becoming a blubbering idiot around fashion designers. All i could bring myself to blurt out was "I love you..." they both laughed and thanked me so politely i almost died.

Alex's garments came down the runway and i grabbed his hand and squealed "OMG you've got sequins!" He laughed and responded with "Of course would you expect anything less?" This goes to show you that even when you act like a complete idiot some of your idols will still give you the time of day.

After the show I was lucky enough to hang around and chat to both Jayson and Alex about what inspired their collections, how they started out and what drove them to this career. I can officially die happy now.

The event is never something to be missed, for as little as $20 you can experience all the world of Fashion has to offer, as well as mingle with the designers, get your hair and make up done and pose for magazines. This is a night out for every girl and you should all definitely put this on your bucket list.